
Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to our Clemson Family around the world. Thank you to our students, alumni, friends, faculty and staff for your support and dedication throughout the year.

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Maggi McCrorey Endowment inspires recipient to pay-it-forward

The Maggi McCrorey Endowed Memorial Scholarship, established by Steve ’65 and Ann McCrorey in memory of their daughterbenefits multiple students, including business freshman Jacob Wright. Click here if you would like to make a gift to support Clemson and our students this holiday season.

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The Story Behind Lachlan The Tiger

Hear the heartwarming story behind the little plush tiger that is carrying on the memory of a little boy and uniting our Clemson Family.

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QB Nick Schuessler means business, on and off the field

Bootlegs, blitzes and blind sides have been a big part of Nick Schuessler’s college experience at Clemson University. But as the student-athlete from Grayson, Ga., plots his career path, balance sheets, basis points and budgets are the vernacular of his professional future.

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AIG executive sees bright future for Clemson business education

As a Fortune 500 business executive, Jim Dwane '89 has a pretty good understanding of what it takes to be successful in the business world. From the creation of a standalone College of Business to the proposed construction of a state-of-the-art business education building, Dwane sees nothing but positives coming from pending changes for business education at Clemson.

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Marketing graduate has inside track to Orange Bowl hoopla

Schuyler Easterling isn’t shy about pledging his allegiance to Clemson, but the May 2015 marketing graduate is having to bite his tongue this week and next. Schuyler, 23, is communications coordinator for the Orange Bowl Committee, which is hosting Clemson and Oklahoma in a Playoff Semifinal game on New Year’s Eve.

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2016 Summer Course: Being a Leader

The Being A Leader Course is a 7-day leadership laboratory using a NEW model of leadership. The course is for academic faculty, full-time students, business owners, executives, managers, and organization and community leaders. Participants will discover for themselves what it is to BE a leader and to exercise leadership effectively as their natural self-expression, in the areas of their life where leadership is most important to them.


Clemson/Sonoco packaging-industry analysis truly outside the box

What does a $400-billion industry and Clemson University have in common? The answer is the students and faculty of Clemson’s Sonoco Institute for Packaging Design and Graphics, which the worldwide packaging industry considers among the best evaluators of consumer perception around product packaging.

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Business grads launch American-made products for pets

What began as an MBAe class project for Clemson grads Zach Capps and Derek Riker, has now grown into a full-fledged business specializing in bandanas for man’s best friend. Woof Threads are manufactured right here in the Upstate, and distributed to retailers across the nation from South Carolina to California.

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Winners of Pitch Smackdown receive trips to Silicon Valley

More than 30 competitors stepped into the ring to compete in the second annual Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership Pitch Smackdown to try to win an all-expenses paid trip to Silicon Valley.

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Clemson delegates second to none at Model UN conference

Clemson students successfully showcased their diplomatic skills recently by winning the top award at the National Model United Nations conference in Washington, D.C. The conference’s award of Outstanding Delegation went to the six-member Clemson team, which competed against more than 800 delegates from 70 universities, representing 20 countries. 

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Companies profit from C-Suite modesty

Though some identify the C-Suite personality as self-aggrandizing or narcissistic, many executives who exhibit modest behavior on earnings calls with analysts bolster their companies’ bottom lines, found Clemson researcher Amy Ingram, assistant professor of management.

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Texting while driving self-victim ads strike a nerve

Advertisements touting the dangers of texting while driving proved to be more effective when a person felt they themselves could become a victim, according to research conducted by Christopher Hopkins, associate professor of marketing.

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When underdog brands won’t heel to top dogs

"Research has shown that people who culturally self-identify as underdogs are similarly attracted to those types of brands, and from a profile standpoint, consumers who are innovative, like to try new things and aren’t averse to taking risks tend to trust underdog brands,” says Jennifer Siemens, assistant professor of marketing.

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Thank you Clemson,

there is no question that the ROI has been wonderful for my time and money spent on the Clemson MBA program, says Rick Seidman, Quoizel President & CEO, as he reflects on his MBA experience at Clemson.

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I believe internships and co ops are the most important part of your college education,

says Zach, one of two Clemson graphic communications majors participating in fall semester internships at Cyber Graphics. "It’s what applies everything that you’ve learned in the classroom and gives you the advantage outside of the classroom."

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