The Scholar's Field Guide to Clemson University

Research Funding Opportunities Monitoring newsletters, listserv announce- ments and databases of funding opportuni- ties, the ORD publishes NSF, USDA, NIH, USAID, DOE and other federal research opportunities for you on one handy site. The ORD also partners with the Office of Foundation Relations to publish private foundation funding opportunities. Limited Submissions Some funding opportunities limit the num- ber of applications that an institution can submit per cycle. ORD communicates new limited submission opportunities weekly to all faculty. If you are interested in an up- coming grant program that limits the num- ber of submissions, you should contact the Office of Research Development (864-656-2424 / ). CU Faculty Insight Clemson University Faculty Insight is avail- able to assist you in identifying potential funding opportunities and subject matter experts, which fosters interdisciplinary col- laboration. Funding Opportunities Database Clemson faculty can access SPI N, the world’s largest database of funding opportunities. To stay informed, you can set up a profile to receive customize funding alerts. Visit Research Funding Opportunities Visit Limited Submission Opportunities Visit Resources for Researchers Find Funding using SPIN – 11 –