The Scholar's Field Guide to Clemson University

Structures and Materials Testing Laboratories Wind Load Test Facility (WLTF) The Glenn Department of Civil Engineering has modern lab facilities for testing building and bridge components, concrete materials, asphalt and capabilities for in situ testing in each laboratory. Structures Lab: A 6,000 square-foot structures testing laboratory containing a 2,000 square-foot strong floor and several servo hydralic test systems. esting is supported by moby modern data ac- quisition systems. Concrete Materials Lab: Facilities are available for mixing and evaluating modern concretes includ- ing strength and durability testing Asphalt Lab: Equipped with extensive asphalt testing equipment for evaluating aggregates and as- phalt mix designs The Wind Load Test Facility (WLTF) houses one of the nation’s largest boundary-layer wind tunnels in addition to component testing equipment rarely found in the U.S. Research at the facility is largely focused on storm damage to low-rise buildings. The boundary layer wind tunnel at the WLTF is capable of simulating winds close to the ground at a range of model scales. It can generate wind load time histories which can then be applied to full-scale test specimens. The wind tunnel is accompanied by a range of load testing ma- chines and reaction frames for testing structural components and systems. – 24 –