More than 80,000 cubic yards of earth have been moved to create the footprint from which the College of Business’ new home will rise. Placing of the concrete footings has begun, and the structure’s foundation should be completed by June. Follow our progress LIVE!
When Madison Williams graduates from Clemson with a graphic communications degree in May, she’ll be walking the red carpet while her classmates are crossing the stage at Littlejohn Coliseum. Madison will be representing Clemson at the Cannes Film Festival in France, where her documentary on a passionate Tigers football fan will be screened alongside work from the world’s most renowned filmmakers.
Zachary was selected as one of only 16 rising college juniors in the nation to participate in the six-week, fully funded institute that focuses on leadership at the Mount Vernon, Va., home of America’s first president. The curriculum framework encourages students to examine personal strengths, identify areas for growth, and ultimately become leaders.
The “Entrepreneurial Mentoring: Lemonade Day” class turned into a sweet deal for budding entrepreneurs at LaFrance Elementary School in Pendleton, and their Clemson mentors. The two groups’ symbiotic relationship enabled fifth-graders to learn the ins and outs of running a lemonade stand business. The elementary students put a semester of learning to work when they unveiled their beverage businesses in and around Pendleton this month.
The College of Business puts a strong emphasis on service as part of its learning experience, and nowhere is it better displayed than by Business 1010 students. The introductory class required of all business majors, includes a four-hour commitment to community service from each student. In an average school year, that amounts to an infusion of more than 3,900 volunteer hours.
Joe and Gretchen Erwin of Greenville will improve the future of Clemson students, faculty and business community with their $2.5 million gift, including $1 million for the new College of Business building and $1.5 million for a student scholarship and programming support.
The baby boomer generation, which encompasses the 76 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964, are beginning to enter retirement. That leaves companies with a problem: How will they ensure that the knowledge of their most experienced veterans is passed down to incoming millennial employees? Siemens, a global manufacturing firm, has taken this question straight to a group of students at Clemson’s College of Business.
As a successful mechanical contractor, Martin Lowry ’88 engineering and ’92 MBA is comfortable working with blueprints. So, when Lowry was asked to speak to a class of aspiring entrepreneurial students in the College of Business, he mapped out his keys to success as an entrepreneur.
These faculty scholars serve as leaders in health research, teaching and service, and together are growing Clemson’s research focus on health innovation. Sava, an assistant professor in the Department of Management, is one of 10 newly appointed scholars from across four Clemson colleges.
Meet a Tiger: Erica Walker
Walker is an assistant professor who teaches courses covering photography, video, web design and entrepreneurship. In addition to teaching, she is a curriculum developer and researcher who designs advanced courses in UX/front-end design, digital media design and short-format video storytelling.
Traditionally, business education has taught students ‘how’ to be successful as business professionals. A new business course being offered this fall to all students and majors will examine a simple but often overlooked question: Why do we engage in business?
Join us at Greenville ONE to learn about the various options, application requirements and schedules available through Clemson's MBA Program, including full-time, part-time, Business Analytics and the MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
May 18: Innovative Leadership Series Presents Shannon Pierce
Bring a bag lunch and join the MBA Program at Greenville ONE to meet Shannon Pierce, founder of New Ocean Health Solutions. Pierce graduated from Clemson's College of Nursing and began her career as a critical care nurse. While delivering frontline care, Pierce turned an idea for a clinician data collection and storage platform into a business venture.