“With the groundbreaking on the horizon, we want to ensure our new work and learning space is designed to meet our needs, and to prepare our people to use it in the best possible way,” said Dean Bobby McCormick. “To accomplish this, we've created an opportunity for our people to test and evaluate prototype space.”
Having difficulty discerning real from fake news on your social media channels? You aren’t alone. Surveys suggest 75 percent of American adults struggle with distinguishing real news from hoaxes on social media posts.
Research by economics Ph.D. candidate Jacob Walloga suggests that product differentiation may insulate big banks and community banks from competition with credit unions.
Beyond the travel and cultural benefits, the senior management major's international work experience couldn’t have been better tailored to fit her interests. A psychology minor, she worked for a technology start-up that is developing software to read facial expressions.
The business career fair on Sept. 27 wraps up a month of career-related activities and events for business students. The second annual college recruiter networking reception will be held after the fair at the Madren Center for sophomore, junior and senior business majors to network with recruiters.
Thanks to the Erwin Center for Brand Communications and long-time Clemson University benefactors Joe and Gretchen Erwin, digital subscriptions to the business-news oriented Wall Street Journal is free to students, faculty and staff of the College of Business.
Daryl Perkins needs only to recall his own college recruitment to identify a positive experience he would like to replicate with prospective Clemson business students. The college's new student recruitment manager, who grew up in St. Louis, said that creating a positive experience like he received will be important to attracting more underrepresented students to the business school.
When a four-star general serves up career advice, students listen. The 1984 business school grad shared career and personal experiences with the junior and senior student leaders who advise the dean’s office on student concerns. Gen. John Raymond's advice touched on leadership, communication skills, and the importance of students being innovative and open to change.
America’s first and only university-based teaching and research center dedicated to exploring the moral, political and economic foundations of capitalism welcomed 10 members into the 2017 freshman class. Selected from more than 500 applicants, the new class had an average SAT score of 1429.
The 2017 roster of new faculty has been recruited from prestigious academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad and many bring with them extensive research and industry experience in their respective fields.
“Clemson has an incredibly strong reputation for its support of officer training, so I feel extremely blessed to have been selected to serve here. It was my first choice and my number two wasn’t even close,” said Col. Keith Balts, new chair of the aerospace studies department in the business college.
Offensive line coach Robbie Caldwell calls MBA student Justin Falcinelli the smartest guy on the team, saying he is one of those young men that can take a computer apart and then put right back together without even thinking. As Clemson’s new center, Falcinelli has perhaps the toughest job on the offense.
Enjoy food, refreshments and fun with family, friends and fellow alumni outside Sirrine Hall under the tent. the tailgate begins three hours before kick off of the Wake Forest football game.
Join us at Greenville ONE on Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 5:30 p.m. to learn about the various options, application requirements and schedules available through Clemson's MBA Program, including full- and part-time, and concentration areas including Business Analytics, Corporate, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Applications for the MBA program are now being accepted. Apply today!
Ideas have enriched the world, not modern capitalism, according to economist and historian Deirdre McCloskey, who will speak at Clemson on Oct. 30, as part of the Department of Economics and Information Economy Project's Tullock Lecture series.
Bring a brown bag lunch and join the Clemson MBA Program and the Arthur M. Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership in welcoming Pamela Evette, president & CEO of Quality Business Solutions, Inc., at Greenville ONE on Friday, Nov.10 at noon.