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CAREER GUIDE 2016–2017



Participating in an internship or cooperative education

assignment can be a good way for both you and the employer

to see if there will be a good fit between you and the company.

Internships and co-ops allow you to gain real-world experience,

find out if you will enjoy certain types of work and build your


Keep a positive attitude about your work and complete tasks

given to you with enthusiasm. Having a good outlook and sense

of humor can be an asset to you and the company. Learn to take

criticism well and listen to suggestions for improvement.

Take your work seriously. Complete all assigned tasks, no matter

how insignificant they may seem. Dependability and accuracy

are very important in any work environment. If you have any

questions about how to complete a project, ask your supervisor

for clarification. Making mistakes is part of the learning

experience but do not dwell on your mistakes; learn from them

and go on. If you earn a reputation for being dependable, honest

and trustworthy, you will be given more important tasks to

complete and therefore learn more about your chosen career field.

Be punctual and complete assignments on time. Deadlines are

a part of life, especially in a fast-paced work environment, so

make sure you know what your deadlines are for all projects

and complete them on time. This will help you to learn time

management and prioritizing skills.

Set goals you know you can meet. Setting goals for yourself

can be a good way to keep yourself on task and ensure that you

will learn as much as you can during your co-op or internship.

Remember to set attainable goals. If you set goals you are not

able to reach, you will set yourself up for disappointment. This

may send a negative message to the employer as well. Your

experience should be a positive learning experience, so outline

your goals from the beginning and talk with your supervisor about

these goals to make sure they are reachable. Meet with your

supervisor regularly to make sure you are on the right track.

Learn to communicate effectively. Written and oral

communication skills are extremely important in all career

fields. Be respectful of those around you by being courteous and

professional at all times. Listen to everyone around you because

they probably have more knowledge in that subject area, but

do not be afraid to present your ideas when in an appropriate


Flexibility is important. You should be willing to do a variety of

tasks even if those tasks do not relate directly to your career

path. Multi-tasking is an important skill to learn that will help

you develop flexibility. Be ready, willing and able to “switch

gears” on a moment’s notice.

Teamwork is a skill valued by many employers. You must be able

to work well with people around you and be able to be productive

in groups. Project work is an important part of many work

environments, so you need to learn how to be the most productive

team member you can be.

Find a mentor, someone who you can turn to for advice,

information, encouragement and constructive criticism. A mentor

can help you through difficult situations and also offer insight

into the company. A mentor can also teach you a lot about the


Enjoy yourself. Have fun with your internship or co-op. Try to think

of everything as a learning experience.


Things to Do:


Go above and beyond the call of duty to show your employer

that you are valuable. Ask for advice from supervisors and

coworkers. Work with your adviser to set immediate goals for

the internship, then ask for a written evaluation at the end.

2. Be active and involved! Educate yourself proactively in the

ways of your company. Also, get involved in non-work related

activities like athletic events and company outings. Interact

with as many coworkers as possible to help you stand out from

the rest and increase networking contacts.

3. If your employer thinks you have done a good job achieving

your goals, then ask about a full-time position.

4. Take the time to say goodbye and thank you on your last day.

5. After completing your co-op or internship, send your

immediate supervisor and the president of the company

well-written thank you letter. Thank them for the opportunity

and point out what you have accomplished and learned.

Indicate in your letter that you would like to work for the

company and how you can be of value.

6. Be patient and persistent. Follow your thank you letter with a

phone call to your supervisor to inquire about employment.