John Graham Clemson Alumni
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Family Status: Married with two kids
Computer Information
Computer(s): MacBook Pro, PC
Preferred Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer
Internet Connection Speed: T1
About John
Mr. Graham has a MacBook Pro laptop for work. He uses his laptop at home along with his family's PC computer in the den. He prefers Mozilla Firefox yet says that he also has to use Internet Explorer (on the Windows side of his MacBook) to access certain pages at work. His Internet connection at work is a T1. Mr. Graham also has a Blackberry mobile phone that allows him to check his email. His Internet use focuses on finding the content as fast as possible. He does not have time to not find the information that he needs.
Key Attributes
- Safari user
- Does not have time for videos
- Uses search engines to get what he needs as fast as possible
- Constantly uses the Internet whether it's at home, work or on his Blackberry mobile phone
College Page
Mr. Graham visits this page for only a few seconds at a time. He typically will look around and might glance at a headline or two. Usually, he finds what he is looking for by using the search function. He tries to find how to donate money as an alumni, yet the alumni link is below the fold. A link to 'Alumni' he feels, needs to be included in the left-menu navigation.
Department Page
This isn't as important of a page for John. He is not interested in the welcome text. Instead, he uses this page as a portal to get where he wants to go on the site. He does feel that there needs to be information on this site about the degree programs so that he can quickly chose his previous degree. He also feels that an alumni link should be included in the left-menu navigation to allow him to quickly get to where he wants to go. He will leave the page by clicking on the degree that he graduated with: Spanish and International Trade.
Program Page
John is most interested in the latest news from his former program, Spanish and International Trade. He looks briefly at what students and faculty are up to in the program. He also uses the feature block with the latest news to briefly read what has been going on. He may not stay on this page too long because he has become familiar with it before. He will end by finding what he needs in either the alumni section or faculty and staff links, depending on what he is hoping to find.