Presented by the MATRF

409 Daniel Hall
Clemson University
(864) 656-1260

Dr. Tharon Howard

Assistant Director
Nicole Snell

Carly Finseth
Caroline Garmon
Helena Peace
Katy Ross
Sally Zhang

Persona: Valerie Compton, Clemson Parent


Valerie Compton

Gender: Female
Age: 48
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Family Status: Married

Computer Information

Computer(s): PC
Preferred Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox
Internet Connection Speed: High-Speed DSL

"I don't have time for nonsense."

About Valerie

Valerie is about to send her oldest daughter, Megan, to Clemson. She has heard a lot about the school, but no one in her family has ever attended Clemson.

Valerie and her daughter Megan live in state. Valerie was an English major in college and is now a high school English teacher.

Valerie wants to learn more about the college, programs and professors. She will browse through the different sites to discover more about program, jobs and activities that Megan or Valerie's students could possibly participate in if they attend Clemson.

Key Attributes

  • Loves to plan and have things mapped out

  • Likes answers fast and things to be laid out logically. Does not want to search around

  • Wants to be assured that Clemson is the right place for her daughter


College Page

Finding out more about CAAH, but she is most interested in finding the English Department page.

Department Page

Valerie wants to find information about the English Undergraduate program. She'd like to know about the different tracks. Valerie wants to see the type of Classes that Megan or her students could be potentially taking.

Program Page

She also would like to see information about current Clemson English major, as well as, possible internships that would be available to her daughter or students.