Presented by the MATRF

409 Daniel Hall
Clemson University
(864) 656-1260

Dr. Tharon Howard

Assistant Director
Nicole Snell

Carly Finseth
Caroline Garmon
Helena Peace
Katy Ross
Sally Zhang

Persona: Joel Benton, Prospective Grad Student

Clemson Grad

Joel Benton
Prospective Grad Student

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Family Status: In a relationship

Computer Information

Computer: PC with Ubuntu Linux
Preferred Browser: Mozilla Firefox
Internet Connection Speed: High-Speed DSL

"I try to explore life as much as possible."

About Joel

Joel takes eight classes each week and enjoys participating in International student activities. He likes computer science and engineering, but is looking for a program that incorporates business, languages, and the humanities.

Key Attributes

  • Likes computer science and engineering, but doesn't like his major with the required courses

  • More interested in languages and studying other cultures

  • He intends to apply for graduate programs in international trade or international communication


College Page

Ben doesn't know much about CAAH, but he's familiar with the Department of Languages, since he's taking Chinese course this semester. He usually uses the "search" box at the Clemson home page to get to the CAAH webpage. On the CAAH webpage, he wants to see concise and well organized information including:

  • A brief introduction of CAAH

  • Searchable table of contents and hyperlinks for each department, degree program, faculty information, and student life

Department Page

Ben often goes to the webpage of Department of Languages via Clemson home page "search" box. He wants to find the following information:

  • Comprehensive resources for languages studies, both from school and other institutions.

  • Study abroad programs and overview of previous programs provided by teachers and students who participated. Photos and videos will be helpful!

  • Faculty information, contact information

Program Page

Based on his interests, Ben often goes to the Academic Programs page; he often clicks on the B.A Language and International Trade link to check out the courses under this track. He said he might consider transferring to this program or at least taking some courses. But currently, the link just provides a PDF file, which he finds very inconvenient to go on searching.

He is also interested in applying for MAPC, however, it's not easy to for him to find out the program when he doesn't know about it, so he hopes to see links of all the related programs within the department.