Dr. Jack Abrams Associate Professor, Clemson University
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Family Status: Married with 3 kids
Computer Information
Computer: PC
Preferred Browser(s): Internet Explorer
Internet Connection Speed: 1.5 meg
College Page
Dr. Abrams uses the College site as a portal to get to the Languages Department web site. He most often types in the URL, but sometimes uses the A-Z index. He would like to see a calendar of events on the College home page not indicate what he would like to see on the college home page since he spends more time navigating in the department site. Dr. Abrams only stays on the page for a few seconds and he goes directly to the Languages department web page.
Department Page
Dr. Abrams visits the Languages web page when he is trying to find specific courses offered - not only in ASL, but also other coursework. He also uses it for advising students. He gets there either through the A-Z index or through the CAAH Departments Portal. Dr. Abram looks for advising materials for his students and he also looks at the site for Language Resources.
Abrams says that courses are difficult to locate, so he typically uses the alphabet index at the top to conduct searches. He wishes that he could go to one page for ASL coursework, one page for Spanish coursework, English coursework, Math coursework, Core requirements/general education requirements, etc. Also, one of his friends manages the Language Declamation contest, and she has told him that some high school teachers have a hard time accessing it; she would like for the Declamation Contest to be linked to the Language Department page.
He usually stays on the page for just a few minutes at a time. From here, he looks up Departmental Events which is blank.
Program Page
Dr. Abrams wants to find the courses listed for ASL. To get to the page, he navigates from the Department of Languages homepage and clicks the left navigation link to Academic Programs. He believes students who come to Clemson to take ASL would want to be able to locate it under the heading of "Languages" and see everything on one page. Once they have located ASL, then they should be able to go to another page to find their major such as nursing, teaching, counseling, social work, etc.
He has trouble finding what he needs within the CAAH department web sites "all the time." It takes him a few minutes to maneuver his way through the pages to eventually find what he needs, and nothing seems quick and easy. Abrams questions, "If I can't find what I need, how can others find it as well?"
Abrams stays on the page for a few minutes. From here, he leaves the Clemson web site.